𒌇 Empty Text Generator – Invisible Space Copy and Paste ❝ㅤ❞

Introducing the Empty Text Generator! 📄✨ Enhance your text formatting with the Invisible Space Copy and Paste “ㅤ”. Add a touch of mystery to your messages, captions, and designs. Simply copy and paste to experience the power of empty space. Let your words breathe with an invisible charm! 🌌💬

Blank Space Generator

Here are 10 Transparent characters that you can copy-paste!
Copied to Clipboard!
empty text

Long Empty Text

Duplicate the entire Whitespaces with ease by clicking Copy button.


20 creative ideas for using the Blank Text Generator tool:

  1. Spacer in Messages: Create space between lines in your messages or texts by inserting invisible characters.
  2. Aesthetic Formatting: Use invisible characters for aesthetic formatting on social media platforms.
  3. Prank Messages: Send prank messages with seemingly blank content.
  4. Puzzle or Riddle: Create puzzles or riddles with hidden messages using invisible characters.
  5. Artistic Text Arrangement: Use invisible characters to arrange text in unique artistic patterns.
  6. Highlight Information: Insert invisible characters to visually highlight specific information in a document.
  7. Create Invisible Links: Embed invisible characters in a link to make it less noticeable.
  8. Coding Tricks: Implement invisible characters in coding for certain effects or formatting.
  9. Invisible Watermark: Add an invisible watermark to your documents for tracking purposes.
  10. Clean Data Separation: Separate data in spreadsheets or tables with invisible characters for a clean look.
  11. Custom Text Shapes: Experiment with invisible characters to create custom shapes or designs with text.
  12. Interactive Forms: Enhance the appearance of interactive forms by using invisible characters for spacing.
  13. Signature Separator: Use invisible characters to create a clean separation in your email or document signature.
  14. Unique Username: Insert invisible characters in your username for a distinct and minimalist appearance.
  15. Message Formatting: Structure messages with invisible characters for a unique and organized appearance.
  16. Create Optical Illusions: Play with invisible characters to create optical illusions with text.
  17. Unique Text Effects: Experiment with invisible characters to achieve creative and unique text effects.
  18. Morse Code Representation: Encode messages in Morse code using a combination of visible and invisible characters.
  19. Custom ASCII Art: Enhance ASCII art by incorporating invisible characters for additional details.
  20. Whitespace Adjustment: Fine-tune the spacing in your document or code by strategically placing invisible characters.
  21. You can make Instagram highlight/Invisible Names.
  22. You can send blank text messages.


What does the tool do? Ans: It generates invisible text using the “ㅤ” character. Specify the count and click “Generate Empty Text” for a blank space.

How to use the generated text? Ans: Click “Copy to Clipboard” after generating to copy and paste the invisible text wherever needed.

Can I share on messaging apps? Ans: Yes, use “Send to WhatsApp” or “Send to Telegram” for easy sharing on respective platforms.

How do I create an invisible character? Ans: You can use the Unicode character U+3164, represented by “ㅤ”. Simply copy and paste it to incorporate an invisible character in your text or use our Empty Text Generator tool for customization.

Blank Text Message Template

blank text
empty text
invisible text

Unicode Space Character Copy Table

Character NameSpace
Unicode Code PointU+0020
HTML Code 
HTML Hex Code 
CSS Code\u0020
JavaScript/Java/C\u0020 (Java, JavaScript, and C), \\u0020 (Java and C++)
UnicodeHTML CodeDescriptionExample
U+0009&#9Character Tabulation[ ]
U+0020&#32Space[ ]
U+00A0&#160No-Break Space[ ]
U+1680&#5760Ogham Space Mark[ ]
U+2000&#8192En Quad[ ]
U+2001&#8193Em Quad[ ]
U+2002&#8194En Space[ ]
U+2003&#8195Em Space[ ]
U+2004&#8196Three-Per-Em Space[ ]
U+2005&#8197Four-Per-Em Space[ ]
U+2006&#8198Six-Per-Em Space[ ]
U+2007&#8199Figure Space[ ]
U+2008&#8200Punctuation Space[ ]
U+2009&#8201Thin Space[ ]
U+200A&#8202Hair Space[ ]
U+2028&#8232Line Separator[]
U+2029&#8233Paragraph Separator[]
U+202F&#8239Narrow No-Break Space[ ]
U+205F&#8287Medium Mathematical Space[ ]
U+3000&#12288Ideographic Space[ ]

Published: 06/12/2023